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Solutions for

Cotton cloth


ISOCHEM C100 is a high performance pre-treatment product developed especially for Cotton, designed to significantly improve the textile dyeing process. With an advanced formulation and cutting-edge technology, this product plays a fundamental role in the preparation of cotton fibers, providing an ideal base for dyeing.

+ Discover our paints


JP7 is an industrial digital printing machine supplied with adhesive conveyor belt. It is designed to print fabric and paper.

+ Discover MSJP7


The easySTEAM steaming process is comparable to that typically produced in traditional dyeing plants. Suitable for treating a wide range of fabrics printed with reactive and acidic inks using the most common textile inkjet printers, easySTEAM does not work under pressure and stands out for its ease of use and easy integration into existing workflows, even when used by operators without specific

+ Discover easySTEAM


easyWASH was created to overcome the criticality imposed by conventional washing systems that require large amounts of water, energy and space.

Thanks to its extraordinary compactness and versatility, easyWASH can be easily inserted into any production department, operates with reduced water consumption and minimum energy requirements. The exclusive immobile technology, resulting from many years of experience in the construction of textile finishing facilities, allows washing rolls of fabric up to 200 meters in length (variable depending on the weight of the fabric) in less than an hour.

+ Discover easyWASH

Easy Coat/dry

easyCOAT/DRY is the multifunctional platform that meets the industrial pre- and post-processing needs of digital textile professionals. Cibitex worked closely with textile industries to design easyCOAT/DRY. The system combines the compaction required by inkjet printers with the efficiency of an industrial production system based on traditional impregnation and stenter drying. In just a few meters, the machine contains the most sophisticated power supply and voltage control systems.

+Discover Easy Coat/dry